The challenge of creating a new meal with leftovers !

This post is right up there next to one of my previous posts…How to Make Something Out of Almost Nothing…what on earth do I do for dinner tonight?

I’m creating here from leftover turkey meatloaf, but truly, there is something delicious to be made from a handful of leftover cooked green beans and a few cherry tomatoes. Add a bit of Feta …  I’m getting  carried away here…what’s new?

I know a few folks who cringe at the mention of leftovers.  And, I’ll be the first to admit there are times when eating something the first time around is more than enough.  Yet, there is a certain insatiable need in me to re-create something new with leftovers. Creating an entirely new meal that uses only two or three other ingredients and a bit of imagination.  The challenge, for me, is irresistible.

Taking into consideration just the expense of food, throwing leftovers away is foolhardy in more ways than one.   We live in a country that wastes an enormous amount of food.  Now, that unrecognizable mass of green and purple hairy stuff in the back of the fridge is clearly not a candidate  for resurrection.  By all means, trash it.  Even the dog doesn’t want it !!!

But, there are so many possibilities for perfectly good leftovers that will not only save those hard earned dollars in your food budget, they will save you time and reduce your stress level.   We must eat to live.  Yet  many of us are not eating to live.  What and how we eat is making us sick and/or killing us.  Fast food, processed food,  stress, time, money.  Obesity, disease.  That is not living well.  It is existing in a constant state of unhealthy stress.

I can tell you, from  my experience, there is nothing better than leftovers after a long day away from home.  The last thing I want to do when I get home, is take a lot of time making something new from scratch when all I really have the energy for is pouring a glass of wine, and wishing somebody else would worry about dinner.  The stress reducing power of leftovers, for me, is high.

For instance…as an example…I know there is half of a two pound leftover turkey meatloaf in the fridge and about 2 1/2 cups of mashed potatoes.  Yes, that alone won’t feed three adults.  But the turkey meatloaf and potatoes won’t be alone.  On my drive home after a day away,  my imagination kicks in and I decide  I’m going to dice it up and use it to make Shepard’s Pie.  (Who say’s you are allowed to use only lamb in Shepard’s Pie?)

So, when I get home I’m going to pour myself a glass of wine.  On my stove top in a saute pan,  I’m going to caramelize a sweet onion, add some finely diced garlic and some dried thyme.  A bit of dried rosemary too.  I’ll stir in  a tablespoon or two of tomato paste (I buy the tubes or jars and refrigerate them after opening which saves having to somehow store what is left in the can when I only use a tablespoon or two,  and,  it stays fresh longer) a 1/4 cup of water,  and simmer it all together.

When the onion and garlic is caramelized to my liking, I’ll add the leftover diced turkey meatloaf and a  bit more water (1/4 cup) or wine to add some needed moisture and a tablespoon or two of butter.  I’ll simmer this savory smelling mixture until the meat is heated through.  Then, I’ll add a tablespoon or two of flour and mix it in well.

I’ll add  more water,  (roughly 2 cups of hot water) and slowly stir the mixture until a nice gravy forms.  I’ll add salt and pepper and a dash of Worcestershire sauce if I have any on hand.

When that has simmered for a few minutes, I’ll take some frozen peas or corn out of the freezer, stir in a cup or two, and let that simmer for a few more minutes.  I’ll start my oven heating to 350 degrees.  I’ll pull a casserole dish out of a drawer and turn the heat off under the  saute pan on the stove top.

I’ll put the leftover mashed potatoes in the microwave for a minute or two to soften them up a bit for spreading.  While they do their thing in the microwave, I’ll grate a cup or so of cheddar cheese.

Then,  I’ll spread the turkey meatloaf, cleverly transformed into Shepard’s Pie filling, into my casserole dish,  cap it with the mashed potatoes, spread the cheddar cheese on top and  throw it in the oven for about 25 minutes.  When that cheese is nice and brown and the Shepard’s Pie is bubbling it will be time to eat.

All of these steps in under an hour.  An entirely new one pot meal.  From leftovers.  If you don’t tell the leftover critics…they will never know that’s what they are eating.   And, with any luck, there will be enough left over for your lunch tomorrow.   Leftovers sometimes taste better the second time around!

Tonight, after a day out,  I made an entirely new dish out of leftover roasted butternut squash,  roasted garlic and ricotta.  I’ll share that idea  another time.

Many Blessings…


One Reply to “The challenge of creating a new meal with leftovers !”

  1. I do love Shepherd pie…but my other half has a dislike to potatoes. Will give it a try with leftover sweet potatoes.

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