Hugelhaus Blueberry Muffins


Plump lapis blue berries.   Blueberries.   So many ways to savor their tart yet sweet deliciousness.   Fresh on waffles or pancakes.  On top of a bowl of creamy, frozen vanilla ice cream.  With a bowl of cereal swimming in milk.  By the handful, straight from the bush or basket.  Jams, jellies, pies and sweet breads.  Irresistible and filled with plump blueberries.

Blueberries contain flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that can help reduce damage to cells and can aid in boosting your immune system.  As a snack, a cup of fresh blueberries contains roughly 85 calories and 15 grams of sugar.  Don’t be put off by the seemingly high sugar content.  With 3.6 grams of fiber and high amounts of vitamin C, K and magnesium they pack a bit of a nutritional punch that can aid in heart health by reducing amounts of blood cholesterol.  Blueberries are also 85 % water.

Of course if you enjoy that cup of blueberries with a dollop of whipped cream or in a pie you can count on more calories and in some cases a lot more sugar.   Hard to resist the plump blue berries any way you can get them.  Their semi tough skin gives a slight pop when crushed by the teeth and tho filled with tiny seeds, the almost transparent pale green gel just inside the skin of the berries glides over the tongue with delicious ease, the skin leaving it a light shade of blue.

During my early childhood, through late July and all of August, we would occasionally pick blueberries from the wild blueberry bushes on my grandparents farmland.  My mother and one or two of her sisters, with all of us cousins in tow; would picnic first and then fill our pails with blueberries.

The old pastures were humming still with faded memories of cows meandering single file their well trod cow paths in the heat of summer; in search of shade under far reaching brances of a welcoming tree.

Sad old apple trees, gnarled and long left to their own devices; scratched and scraped our legs as we climbed their craggy nelected branches.  From our pearches in the apple trees we could see our mothers moving about the blueberry bushes, picking rhythmically in the hot sun.  We could hear the plop, plop of berries being dropped into the pails and the low murmuring of their voices mingled with the droning of bees and cicadas,  bird song and our own laughter.  Summer days…lazy, hazy, sweet memories.

Of course, the best was yet to come.  Those ripe and ready blueberries were headed for home and all kinds of scrumptious baked goodies were not far off.  Blueberry cobbler was and still is a favorite for me.  Blueberry pie is pretty hard to beat and blueberry muffins…well, they are in a league of their own.  Still warm from baking, with a generous pat of butter magically melting over the top, a fresh blueberry muffin is as close to blueberry heaven on earth as you can come.

Here, in my recipe, I have created a muffin that I believe is perfect.  Reduced sugar, just the right amount of grated nutmeg and vanilla extract; these not too sweet and so very flavorful muffins are irresistible.  This recipe makes 2 dozen muffins.  Enough to eat and some to freeze if they last that long.   Of course, you can always share some with the neighbors and your grandchildren.

In most of my baking, I use duck eggs.  Something about duck eggs for baking makes any and all baked goods so much better.  I don’t know why…but that is my opinion.  So, when I say 4 extra large eggs in this recipe, you don’t HAVE to use duck eggs.  Extra large eggs will do just fine.

Also, I have a convection oven.  So these muffins take less time for baking in my oven.  My advice to you is to set your timer for 20 minutes and then add time in 5 minute increments while watching the baking closely.  Once you know how long it takes for these muffins to bake in your oven, make a note of it for next time.

As always, I use pure ingredients.  Real butter, real vanilla extract, viable baking powder (yes, baking powder gets old and does not perform well if it is no longer viable).  You can do a simple test to see if your baking powder is still viable.  To 1/3 cup of hot water add 1 tsp of baking powder.  If it sizzles it is still usable.

Hugelhaus Blueberry Muffins

makes 24 muffins

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Place paper muffin cups into two muffin tins

Into a large mixing bowl add:

4 cups of all purpose unbleached flour (I use King Arthur)

1/4 cup of almond meal

3/4 cup light brown sugar (not packed)

3/4 cup granulated sugar

2 teas salt

1 teas grated nutmeg

5 teas baking powder

mix all dry ingredients together well

In a large glass bowl or measuring cup melt 2 sticks of butter (1 cup) in the microwave and set aside to cool

Into another large glass bowl or measuring cup add:

1 cup oat milk

1/4 cup sour cream

4  X large eggs

2 TB vanilla extract

whisk all together until egg yolks are broken and the sour cream is incorporated.

If you are using a mixer, place the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl and with the paddle attachment and the mixer on low speed add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients simultaneously.  Mix well until all the ingredients are blended.

With a spatula, gently fold in 3 cups of rinsed and patted dry fresh blueberries.  Be sure to mix the blueberries in gently and evenly.

Using the spatula, evenly fill the paper muffin cups.  Place the muffin tins into your preheated 375 degree oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes (if using a convection oven).   Bake longer in 5 minute increments in a regular oven until a toothpick inserted into the center of the muffins comes out clean.  Do not overbake.

One helpful and splendid blueberry (or any berry, cherry or grape) keeper I have discovered is a berry keeper produced by Hutzler.  I have found that rinsing any berries and letting them drain for a bit in the basket of this berry keeper before storing in your fridge, keeps berries fresh, ready to eat and longer lasting than any other method.  I highly recommend it.  I have been able to find these at Big Y markets and since I get them there I haven’t looked elsewhere.  But if you google Hutzler you will find a website that lists not only their products but where and how to purchase them.


I hope you enjoy every moist, bursting blueberry filled bite of these muffins.  I wish you a safe, healthy and happy August.

And always…Many Blessings.




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