“Gourmet” BLT’s…


School has started in many states across the country.  Summer is winding down, but not yet gone.  The temperature typically drops at night now as fall approaches yet can still soar into the 80’s during the day.

I remember being so excited to wear my new school outfit on the first day back.  By the end of the day I was wishing I was still in shorts and a t shirt.  So it goes…

Moms and Dads who work full time are probably scrambling to figure out the new fall schedules and one or both of them are thinking at some moment during the day  ” what do we do for dinner tonight” ?  Even those who don’t have to make that decision are probably looking for an easier way to transition to new school schedules and how to juggle the after school activities with homework, dinner and a relatively sane bedtime.

Now might be a good time to go to the easier versions of dinner to give everyone a chance to acclimate .  This “gourmet” blt idea came to me AFTER our children left home but it sure is handy for me after a day of running around and it provides the basic “meat, veggie, fruit, dairy” satisfaction between two slices of bread.  Add some steamed green beans or something as simple as carrot sticks with hummus and you’ve got a meal to get you through at least one dinner.

Its extra good IF there are leftover sandwiches.   They are fantastic for lunch the next day.  Prep them the same way just leave the tomato aside in a separate container to add just before you eat them.  Otherwise they get very soggy.

I don’t know many people who don’t like bacon.  Or tomato’s, lettuce, apples and some good mayo between two fairly substantial slices of bread (not toasted is okay…lightly toasted is better).  And of course cheese.  Cheddar is my favorite but pick your own favorite and the easiest dinner is on the table in a short amount of time.  Probably before you figure out the new math that looms on the kitchen table in front of your student who is as mystified about it as you are.

First step.  Cook your bacon.  In a 375 degree oven. (I use Boars Head . I like as close to unprocessed as I can get in EVERYTHING I use for food )…use what you like best.   Bake to the crispness of your liking.  When it is done, put the cooked slices on paper towels and pat off some of the excess bacon grease.  Set off to one side.

While the bacon cooks get your greens ready.  There must be some lettuce in the garden still or maybe you have some in the fridge from the farm stand down the road.  Get it out, give it a wash, pat it dry and have it handy.  If you don’t have any lettuce, you can use cucumber slices. It adds the green factor and is good in a pinch.  For cucumber lovers…this is a plus.

Now, get those over ripe tomato’s off the counter and rinse them off.  Peel them if you want (I do…it makes eating this mega sandwich easier) but be sure to slice them into hefty 1/2 inch slices.  Set them aside with the lettuce.

Now, if the bacon is still doing its thing in the oven, wash, and core your favorite kind of apple.  Something like Honeycrisp or Ginger Gold.  Just a nice crunchy apple.  Slice this apple into slices as thin as you can.  Use an uber sharp knife.  It does work best for those thin slices which make all the difference  .

If you are toasting your bread for these sandwiches I have found the best way to get it lightly toasted is to put it in the turned OFF oven after you remove the cooked bacon.  This way you can get a few sandwiches done rather than one at a time if you use a conventional toaster.  Put as many slices as you need on a cookie sheet and pop the sheet  in the oven.  Keeping an eye on it take it out of the oven when it is toasted to your liking.  If you ARE using cheese in these sandwiches, put the cheese slices (or the grated cheese) on one slice of the bread for each sandwich and put the pan back in the oven to melt the cheese).

Get out the mayo.  I use Hellman’s…I swear by it and a really good mayo makes all the difference in anything you need to use mayo for.  Spread a generous amount on both slices of  the bread for each sandwich.  On top of the mayo on each slice put a good amount of lettuce.  On top of the lettuce on one slice put two or three of your tomato slices (depending on the size of the bread slices).  Now, add your bacon.  At least two slices per sandwich.  More is really GOOD!  Place the sliced apple on the other piece of bread on top of the lettuce.  Put the slices of loaded bread together, slice them in half or leave them whole.  Your call.  Put them on a platter and yell…”dinner”.

Now,  lets get these babies on the table!!!  Get rid of the homework…its time to share dinner with your family.  Around the table.  With lots of napkins or paper towels…these sandwiches can get messy in the best possible way.  Enjoy every last bite!

And don’t forget to listen to the crickets through the still open windows.   Its that time of year again…

3 Replies to ““Gourmet” BLT’s…”

  1. Did you say “Good Mayo”???? Ina would be so proud!!!!? I’m hungry now…I always think of you when I have nothing on hand and exhaustion has set in at 4pm…..”who wants BLTS!??!!” Always a win!!!?

  2. Sara, this one is definitely another winner and the other add-ons push it up even higher on the Yummy scale. All your family and friends are so grateful that your Blog has come to life!

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